
  澎湃新闻记者 罗杰 实习生 周娟 张子翔


  随后,澎湃新闻记者从百度学术网和中国知网上下载了这两篇论文,分别是北京外国语大学博士毕业生杨佑文在2011年读博期间发表在学术期刊Theory and Practice in Language Studies(TPLS是2011年创刊的一本学术期刊,出版周期是月刊,其出版方是芬兰研究学会出版社)上的一篇题为《A Cognitive Interpretation of Discourse Deixis》的论文(以下简称“杨佑文论文”),和安徽大学英语语言文学专业2003届硕士毕业生孙中勤的硕士学位论文《Cognitive Approach to Deixis》(以下简称“孙中勤论文”)。






  首先,从正文结构上看,孙中勤论文分为5个部分,分别是“Introduction”、“Traditional Approaches to Deixis”、“Limitations of Traditional Views on Deixis”、“Cognitive Approach to Deixis”和“Conclusion”。

  其中,第四部分“Cognitive Approach to Deixis”又下设4个小节,题目分别是“The ICM of Deixis”、“Mental Space Theory and Deixis”、“Deictic Prototype Effect”和“Physical Space Lays the Foundation for Deixis”。

  杨佑文论文也分为5个部分,分别是“Deixis in Discourse”、“Discourse Deixis”、“A Cognitive Interpretation of Deixis”、“Spatial Conceptualization of Discourse Deixis”和“Conclusion”。


  比如,孙中勤论文第一部分“Introduction”开头写道:“Deixis in its traditional linguistic sense refers to the fact that certain linguistic forms have direct pragmatic interpretation depending on parameters of the speech situation, rather than a stable semantic value。 In particular, their interpretation is contextually anchored to the identity of the speaker and addressee, their locations, and the time of the utterance。 When A asks B on the phone, ‘Will you come here?’the linguistic expressions you, here, and will are interpreted as ‘addressee’, ‘location of the speaker’, and ‘after time of utterance’, respectively。”

  杨佑文论文第一部分“Deixis in Discourse”的第一段内容是:“Deixis in its traditional linguistic sense refers to the fact that certain linguistic forms have direct pragmatic interpretation depending on parameters of the speech situation, rather than a stable semantic value。 Specifically, their interpretation is contextually anchored to the identity of the speaker and addressee, their locations, and the time of the utterance。 When A asks B on the phone, ‘Will you come here?’the linguistic expressions ‘you’, ‘here’(and even ‘come’), and ‘will’ are interpreted as the ‘addressee’, ‘location of the speaker’, and ‘after time of utterance’, respectively。”